Journalists covering AI Act

Automotive World, Motley Fool, ZDNet, Business Insider and others - 79 journalists.

Tags: IT LeadershipIT ManagementIT Staffing & CareersMachine Learning & AIAI Innovations
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Stewart Burnett
Automotive World
Voice of the remarketing & used car sectors.

2Joe Tenebruso
Motley Fool
Investor, writer. Protects wealth.

3Harsh Chauhan
Motley Fool
Journalist at CCNMarkets, Contributor.
Kolkata, West Bengal, India

4David Gewirtz
CBS Interactive Lecturer. Columnist for ZDNet/CNET. ZATZ founder. Former UC Berkeley instructor.
Salem, Oregon

5Chris Panella
Business Insider
Defense reporter at Business Insider.

6Guest Contributor
Clean Technica
Covers cleantech industry. Focus on EVs, renewables.

7Ioanna Lykiardopoulou
Next Web
Prof of Statistical Science. Works at UCL.
London, UK

8Natasha Lomas
Journalist. Climber-in-training. Owns cats.
Barcelona and London

9Mariella Moon
Associate editor at Engadget. Space tech and robots.

10Marty Swant
Senior Reporter at Digiday.
Brooklyn, NY