Meghana Keshavan STAT News Biotech nerd and writer @statnews.
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Meagan Parrish Pharma Voice Senior editor @industrydive.
Pharma world follower. Wisconsin, USA
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Jason Mast STAT News Writing about science, medicine.
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Angus Chen STAT News Undignified, unfunny journalist. Health, cancer coverage at STAT News.
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Elaine Chen STAT News Reporter at STATnews. Formerly at Business Insider. Chicago, Illinois
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Michael Gibney Pharma Voice Teacher of English. Teacher of politics. Santiago, Chile
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Frank Vinluan MedCity News Medical innovation tracker. MedCity, USA
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Rachael Robertson MedPage Today Investigations & enterprise writer. Covers ob/gyn. @medpagetoday. NYC via PGH
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STAT Staff STAT News Frontiers of health & medicine reporting.
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Amy Baxter Pharma Voice Scientist, inventor, former pediatrician. Atlanta, Georgia
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