Alexander Lee Digiday writer with a heart of gold. New York, USA
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Lawrence Bonk Engadget Writer, cat dad, music lover. Minneapolis
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Mariella Moon Engadget Associate editor at Engadget. Space tech and robots. Philippines
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Dashiell Wood TechRadar Welcome to web zone. Hardware at TechRadarGaming. Writes various. London
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Sam Hill Digital Trends Gaming guides editor. Portland, Oregon
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Billy Givens Digital Trends Writes for multiple publications. Atlanta, Georgia
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Joseph Yaden Digital Trends Account Manager @VicariousPR. Loves cats, games. Indianapolis, Indiana
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Jesse Lennox Digital Trends Cedar Rapids, IA
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Zachary Mcauliffe CNET Writes about technology.
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Zachary McAuliffe CNET Writes about technology.
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