Journalists covering Commodities

Business Insider,, Motley Fool, Utility Dive and others - 74 journalists.

Tags: CommoditiesMetalsEnergyGrainsOil
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Noah Sheidlower
Business Insider
Economy coverage @businessinsider. Writes @UntappedNY.

2Tom Kool
Dean of U.S. oil analysts.
Wall, New Jersey

3Will Healy
Motley Fool
Freelance writer, Motley Fool contributor.
Richardson, Texas

4City A.M
Coverage of energy sectors. Global Energy News source.

5Kate Magill
Utility Dive
Editor at SupplyChainDive. Past AmChamSh, BaltSunMedia. Supply chains, China enthusiast.
Washington, DC

6Jessica Frank-Keyes
City A.M.
Political reporter @CityAM.
London, England

7Rhodri Morgan
City A.M.
Energy and commodities reporter @CityAM. Former @Telegraph, @FT.

8Jason Hall and Jeff Santoro
Motley Fool
Writer at The Motley Fool. Co-host of podcast.
Recording the podcast

9Surya Akella
Power Technology
Dallas, Texas

10Richard Kessler (r_kessler)
US Editor. Reporting on energy. 35 years experience.
Fort Worth, Texas