Journalists covering Community Development

Energy News Network, InsideClimate News, Clean Technica, Vox and others - 72 journalists.

Tags: BioPharma, Community, Daily, MedCity Influencers, Opinion, Pharmacyartificial intelligence
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Kathiann M. Kowalski
Energy News Network
Journalist and lawyer. Life, science, technology, and sewing enthusiast.

2Derek Harrison
InsideClimate News
Art and production director.
Portland, Oregon

3US Department of Energy
Clean Technica
Covers cleantech industry. Focus on EVs, renewables.

4Guest Contributor
Clean Technica
Covers cleantech industry. Focus on EVs, renewables.

5Steve Hanley
Clean Technica
Scientist/Author. Professor at U. Penn.
University of Pennsylvania

6Rachel M. Cohen
Journalist @voxdotcom. Covers abortion rights, housing. Email provided.

7Erin Hunter, Assistant Editor
Pharmacy Times
Actor-writer. Nominated BBC Popcorn.
London, United Kingdom

8Emma Penrod
Utility Dive
Independent journalist. Covers multiple sectors.
Salt Lake City, Utah

9Aaron Larson
Power Magazine
Executive Editor, POWER Magazine.
Ortonville, Minnesota

10Ysabelle Kempe
Utility Dive
Editor at Smart Cities Dive. Focus on climate, resilience.
Brooklyn, New York