Journalists covering Daily, Health IT, MedCity Influencers, Patient Engagement, Providers

Healthcare Dive, STAT News, MedCity News, MedPage Today and others - 55 journalists.

Tags: beef-riceimmune systemdark matterconvertiblessunroof
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Emily Olsen
Healthcare Dive
Reporter at Healthcare Dive. Loyola, Medill alum.
Chicago, Illinois

2Mario Aguilar
Reporter at STATnews. Previous engagements noted. Personal views.

3Katie Adams
MedCity News
Exeter, New Hampshire

4Marissa Plescia
MedCity News
Reporter at MedCity News.

5Rebecca Pifer
Healthcare Dive
Reporter @healthcaredive.
New York City, United States

6Jennifer Henderson
MedPage Today
Enterprise & Investigative Writer. Works with MedPage Today.

Healthcare Dive
Business journalism. Impactful news.
Washington, District of Columbia

8Michael DePeau-Wilson
MedPage Today
Enterprise Reporter. AI in Healthcare focus. Journalism alum.
Not specified

9Joyce Frieden
MedPage Today
Washington editor at MedPage Today. Board member at AHCJ.
Greater Washington, DC area

10Don Tracy, Associate Editor
Pharmaceutical Executive
Pharma Executive Magazine.
London & New Jersey