Journalists covering Dispatch

Engadget, The Art Newspaper, Retail Gazette, The Drive and others - 99 journalists.

Tags: californialos angelesemily hall tremaine journalism fellowship for curatorsfeaturedincarceration
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Steve Dent
Reporter @engadget. Cameras, drones expert.
Paris, France

2Kabir Jhala
The Art Newspaper
Art market writer/editor.
London, England

3Georgia Wright
Retail Gazette
Senior journo at Retail Gazette.
London, England

4Jerry Perez
The Drive
Deputy Editor at The Drive.

5Jessica Deyo
Mobile Marketer
Editor at Marketing Dive.
Columbus, Ohio

6Kenneth Niemeyer
Business Insider
Reporter @ Business Insider. Formerly @thedm_news.

7Max Garland
Retail Dive
Senior reporter at SupplyChainDive. Advocate for senior dogs and pro wrestling.
Indianapolis, IN

8Chris Panella
Business Insider
Defense reporter at Business Insider.

9Ethan Howland
Utility Dive
Senior Reporter, Utility Dive.
Portland, Maine

10Ashley Gallagher, Associate Editor
Pharmacy Times
One of Cabra girls on GoggleboxIRL.
Dublin City, Ireland