Antoinette Siu Digiday Journalist covering media @digiday. San Francisco Bay Area
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Daphne Howland Retail Dive Award-winning reporter. Film and theater critic. Portland, Maine
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Cara Salpini Retail Dive Senior Editor. Basketball fan. Washington, DC
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Nate Delesline III Retail Dive Reporter for RetailDive. Virginia resident. Norfolk, Virginia
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Tatiana Walk-Morris Retail Dive Journalist. Amplifying unheard voices. Chicago, Illinois / Detroit, Michigan
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Kenneth Niemeyer Business Insider Reporter @ Business Insider. Formerly @thedm_news.
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Dominick Reuter Business Insider Reporter for Insider
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Chris Kelly Mobile Marketer Words @washingtonpost etc. Washington, D.C.
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Georgia Wright Retail Gazette Senior journo at Retail Gazette. London, England
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Eric Volkman Motley Fool Investing guidance to make the world smarter, happier, richer.
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