Journalists covering Employee Benefits, MedCity Influencers

MedCity News, Retail Dive, MedTech Dive, Healthcare Dive and others - 58 journalists.

Tags: Consumer / Employer, Daily, Health Tech, SYN, Top StoryDaily, Employee Benefits, Employee Benefits, MedCity Influencers, PayersMDMAecstasyPTSD therapy
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Marissa Plescia
MedCity News
Reporter at MedCity News.

2Howard Ruben
Retail Dive
Founder of PR agency.
Los Angeles, California

3Susan Kelly
MedTech Dive
Leader, teacher, learner.
St. John's

4Katie Adams
MedCity News
Exeter, New Hampshire

5Rebecca Pifer
Healthcare Dive
Reporter @healthcaredive.
New York City, United States

6Meagan Parrish
Pharma Voice
Senior editor @industrydive. Pharma world follower.
Wisconsin, USA

7Amy Baxter
Pharma Voice
Scientist, inventor, former pediatrician.
Atlanta, Georgia

8Antoinette Siu
Covers media. Alumna. Works at Digiday.
San Francisco Bay Area

9Dr. Christina Madison
Pharmacy Times
Founder, media contributor, speaker.
Las Vegas, Nevada

10Kennedy Ferruggia, Assistant Editor
Pharmacy Times
#pharmacy news, insights. CE provider.
Cranbury, New Jersey