Journalists covering Executive Vice President

Retail Dive, Inman, Mobile Marketer, Artnews and others - 58 journalists.

Tags: The Programmatic MarketerAIcare continuumcare coordinationconsumers
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Nate Delesline III
Retail Dive
Reporter for RetailDive. Virginia resident.
Norfolk, Virginia

Shoes for Crews names CEO - about 2 months ago
2Lillian Dickerson
Real estate news source.

3Chris Kelly
Mobile Marketer
Words @washingtonpost etc.
Washington, D.C.

4Angelica Villa
Bronx baby.
New York, USA

5Susan Kelly
MedTech Dive
Leader, teacher, learner.
St. John's

6Susanna Vogel
Healthcare Dive
Currently at Healthcare Dive. Seen in various outlets.

7Howard Ruben
Retail Dive
Founder of PR agency.
Los Angeles, California

8Daphne Howland
Retail Dive
Award-winning reporter. Film and theater critic.
Portland, Maine

Express Inc. CFO is out - over 1 year ago
9Will Norman
PV Tech
Senior reporter.

10Sean O'Kane
Studio Manager.
London, England