Dan Girolamo Digital Trends Content guy @DigitalTrends and more.
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Thomas Macaulay Next Web Reporter at The Next Web. London, England
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David Nield TechRadar Freelance tech, science writer. Marple, Manchester, UK
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Tom Power TechRadar Senior entertainment reporter. Movies, TV, streaming focus. Liverpool
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Meara Isenberg CNET Associate editor @CNET.
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Belen Edwards Mashable Entertainment reporter.
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Jason Adams Mashable Writes at My New Plaid Pants, Pajiba. Film Experience. Critics Choice member. New York City
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Sam Adams Slate Slate's home for culture. New York, New York
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Hrag Vartanian Hyperallergic Art Critic Futurist. In Diaspora
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Maya Pontone Hyperallergic Writer, photographer, journo. Works at Hyperallergic. Brooklyn, New York
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