Journalists covering Frank West

Artforum, Juxtapoz Magazine, Culture Type, Inside Higher Ed and others - 90 journalists.

Tags: frank walterlondonpaintingcourtauld galleryfrank auerbach
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1News Desk
Covers contemporary art.
New York, New York

Kasper KÖnig (1943–2024) - about 1 month ago
2Editor -- Evan
Juxtapoz Magazine
Editor of Juxtapoz Magazine. Guru of banal facts and figures about baseball.
San Francisco, California

3Victoria L. Valentine
Culture Type
Visual Art From a Black Perspective. Explores art, history & culture.

4Ryan Quinn
Inside Higher Ed
Higher education news.
Washington, D.C.

5Wally Pyrah
City A.M.
HKJC - passion for sports, especially racing in HK. Views personal.
United Kingdom/Hong Kong

6James Whitbrook
Deputy Editor @io9, @Gizmodo.
United Kingdom

7Gordon Jackson
Glasgow, Scotland

8Katie Balevic
Business Insider
Weekend Reporter at Insider.
New York City, New York

9Jacob Shamsian
Business Insider
Legal Correspondent @businessinsider. Writer.
Manhattan, New York

10Natalie Musumeci
Business Insider
Brooklyn-born writer. News reporter.