Journalists covering HTA

MedPage Today, Healthcare Dive, STAT News, Pharmacy Times and others - 49 journalists.

Tags: Health EquityValue-Based CareHTA
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Rick Lange, MD, Texas Tech; Elizabeth Tracey
MedPage Today
Texas Tech University System, advancing higher education and health care.
Lubbock, Texas

2Emily Olsen
Healthcare Dive
Reporter at Healthcare Dive. Loyola, Medill alum.
Chicago, Illinois

3Nicole Lou
MedPage Today
Medical reporter @medpagetoday. Bird advocate.
undisclosed remote location

4Kristen Monaco
MedPage Today

5Theresa Gaffney
Audio producer, health reporter.

6Shannon Firth
MedPage Today
Washington correspondent for MedPageToday. CUNYJschool pride.

7Ashley Gallagher, Associate Editor
Pharmacy Times
One of Cabra girls on GoggleboxIRL.
Dublin City, Ireland

8Matthew Herper
Writes at STAT. Biology's century.

9Ed Susman
MedPage Today
Freelance Medical journalist. Owns medical site.
West Palm Beach, Florida

10Crystal Phend
MedPage Today
Contributing editor at MedPage Today. Personal views.