Brian T. Horowitz InformationWeek Writer on enterprise IT, AI, IoT. New York
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Emily Olsen Healthcare Dive Reporter at Healthcare Dive. Loyola, Medill alum. Chicago, Illinois
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Nathan Eddy InformationWeek Surrey, England
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Mary E. Shacklett InformationWeek CEO, Transworld Data.
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Shane Snider InformationWeek November Project KC co-leader. Blood Donor. Gateway to The West
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Pam Baker InformationWeek Freelance journalist & author. Intensely curious. Atlanta, Georgia, USA
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Amanda Hoover Wired WIRED staff writer. New York, United States
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Lily Hay Newman Wired Security reporter @WIRED. Remember it. New York, New York
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Thomas Macaulay Next Web Reporter at The Next Web. London, England
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Vittoria Elliott Wired Technology reporter.
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