Shane Snider InformationWeek November Project KC co-leader. Blood Donor. Gateway to The West
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Mary E. Shacklett InformationWeek CEO, Transworld Data.
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Nathan Eddy InformationWeek Surrey, England
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Pam Baker InformationWeek Freelance journalist & author. Intensely curious. Atlanta, Georgia, USA
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Joao-Pierre S. Ruth InformationWeek Senior Editor InformationWeek. Corporate goth. New Jersey
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Joe McKendrick ZDNet Pondering disruption, tech, optimism. Northeast USA
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Joe Mckendrick ZDNet Pondering disruption, tech, optimism. Northeast USA
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Vala Afshar ZDNet Evangelist @Salesforce. Author, columnist. Boston, Massachusetts
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James M. Connolly InformationWeek Tech journalist. Talks tech. Moultonborough, New Hampshire
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