Kwan Wei Kevin Tan Business Insider Reporter @BusinessInsider.
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Mary E. Shacklett InformationWeek CEO, Transworld Data.
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Nathan Eddy InformationWeek Surrey, England
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Meagan Parrish Pharma Voice Senior editor @industrydive.
Pharma world follower. Wisconsin, USA
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Shane Snider InformationWeek November Project KC co-leader. Blood Donor. Gateway to The West
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Dean Takahashi VentureBeat Obsessed with technology. San Francisco + NYC
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Pam Baker InformationWeek Freelance journalist & author. Intensely curious. Atlanta, Georgia, USA
| | | GeekWire Tech news and analysis. Seattle, Washington
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Carrie Pallardy InformationWeek Freelance Writer and Editor. Chicago
| | | GeekWire Tech news and analysis. Seattle, Washington
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