Journalists covering Internet of Things

The Verge, Next Web, Slashdot, TechCrunch and others - 98 journalists.

Tags: InternetL4SlatencyT-MobileHome Internet
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Verge Staff
The Verge
Covers life in the future.
New York

2Siôn Geschwindt
Next Web
The Heart of Tech ❤️
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Curating @slashdot.
Portland, Oregon

4Kyle Wiggers
Technology journalist. Senior Enterprise Reporter. Pronouns: he/him.
Queens, New York

5Julian Chokkattu
Magazine about future. Newsletters available.
San Francisco, New York, London

6The Conversation
Next Web
The Heart of Tech ❤️
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

7Scharon Harding
Ars Technica
Original tech news. Expert advice. Analysis of tech trends.
NYC - Boston - Chicago - SF

8Craig Hale
Talk about tech, cars, scuba.
Cardiff, Wales

9Reece Rogers
Staff Writer WIRED.
San Francisco, California

10Karmela Padavic-Callaghan
New Scientist
Science writer. Physics PhD.