Journalists covering Labor Issues

City A.M., MedPage Today, Business Insider, Vox and others - 73 journalists.

Tags: blazersoftware issueschevroletcadillac lyriqultium
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Chris Dorrell
City A.M.
Economics Reporter.

2Maria Ward-Brennan
City A.M.
Senior Reporter at CityAM. Formerly at TheLawyerMag.
Berkshire, England

3Jennifer Henderson
MedPage Today
Enterprise & Investigative Writer. Works with MedPage Today.

4Bryan Metzger
Business Insider
Senior politics reporter at Insider.
Washington, DC

5Juliana Kaplan
Business Insider
Senior labor, inequality reporter. Union supporter. Pronouns: she/they.
Boston, New York City

6Li Zhou
Politics reporter @voxdotcom. Previously tech policy.
Washington, DC

7Jessica Frank-Keyes
City A.M.
Political reporter @CityAM.
London, England

8Ryan Quinn
Inside Higher Ed
Higher education news.
Washington, D.C.

9Ellen Ioanes
Weekends and world coverage. contributor.
United States

10Stewart Burnett
Automotive World
Voice of the remarketing & used car sectors.