Andy Kalmowitz Jalopnik Writes about cars. Jersey Boy in New York City
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Bradley Brownell Jalopnik Staff writer.
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Ingrid Lunden TechCrunch Technology news and analysis. San Francisco, CA
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Keith Speights Motley Fool Investor, author, Motley Fool contributor.
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Maria Ward-Brennan City A.M. Senior Reporter at CityAM. Formerly at TheLawyerMag. Berkshire, England
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Erin Marquis Jalopnik Car culture site.
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Theron Mohamed Business Insider Correspondent at Business Insider. Writes about Warren Buffett. London, United Kingdom
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Amber DaSilva Jalopnik Finds news on Jalopnik. Brooklyn, New York
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Insider Autoblog Loves cars. United States
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Thomas Macaulay Next Web Reporter at The Next Web. London, England
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