Journalists covering Microsoft Teams

Digital Trends, Business Insider, ZDNet, Wired and others - 66 journalists.

Tags: enterprisemicrosoftmicrosoft ignitemicrosoft ignite 2023government & policy
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Fionna Agomuoh
Digital Trends
Tech writer. Black Girl Things.
New York, USA

2Nathan Drescher
Digital Trends
Author. Award-winning journalist. Writes from Ottawa.
Ottawa, Ontario

3Dominick Reuter
Business Insider
Reporter for Insider

4Jon Martindale
Digital Trends
Writes for various tech sites. Also an unpublished author.

5Tyler Lacoma
Digital Trends
Writer, not the weird kind.

6Lance Whitney
Personal technology writer. Book author. Software trainer.
New York State, United States

7Amanda Hoover
WIRED staff writer.
New York, United States

8Aisha Malik
Senior Consumer News Writer at TechCrunch.

9Morgan Meaker
Senior writer @Wired. Europe coverage. Award-winning journalist.
London, England

10Shane Snider
November Project KC co-leader. Blood Donor.
Gateway to The West