Journalists covering Oxford Street

Retail Gazette, City A.M., Conde Nast Traveler, Hyperallergic and others - 31 journalists.

Tags: OxfordWord of the YearBrain RotHMVOxford Street
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Georgia Wright
Retail Gazette
Senior journo at Retail Gazette.
London, England

2Eloise Hill
Retail Gazette
Journalism Student at Portsmouth Uni.
London, England

3Aoife Morgan
Retail Gazette
Senior journalist at Retail Gazette.
London, England

4Maria Ward-Brennan
City A.M.
Senior Reporter at CityAM. Formerly at TheLawyerMag.
Berkshire, England

5Sarah James
Conde Nast Traveler
Prize-winning writer. Poet.

6Maya Pontone
Writer, photographer, journo. Works at Hyperallergic.
Brooklyn, New York

7Laura McGuire
City A.M.
Consumer Reporter at The Sun.
London, England

8Andy Silvester
City A.M.
Editor, @CityAM. @AFCWimbledon fan.
Always South London

9Eliot Wilson
City A.M.
Writer and adviser.
London, England

Retail Gazette
Retail news source online. Free newsletter.