Journalists covering Plant sciences

The Scientist, Clean Technica, Eco-Business, Pharma Voice and others - 98 journalists.

Tags: plantslgp5 power asset profilesPlant sciencesCultureScientific community
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Hannah Thomasy, PhD
The Scientist
Freelance science writer. PhD.
Seattle & Toronto

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2Carolyn Fortuna
Clean Technica
Journalist, founder. Educator, writer. Vegetarian.

3Meenakshi Prabhune, PhD
The Scientist
Editor in chief at The Scientist.

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4Shelby Bradford, PhD
The Scientist
Assistant Editor @TheScientistLLC. Opinions my own.

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5Orla Dwyer
Food, land, nature journalist. Writes @carbonbrief.
Ireland in United Kingdom

6Amy Baxter
Pharma Voice
Scientist, inventor, former pediatrician.
Atlanta, Georgia

7Siôn Geschwindt
Next Web
The Heart of Tech ❤️
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

8Matt Simon
Science journalist @wired. Book on microplastics.
San Francisco

9Erin Hunter, Associate Editor
Pharmacy Times
Actor-writer. Nominated BBC Popcorn.
London, United Kingdom

10Howard Ruben
Retail Dive
Founder of PR agency.
Los Angeles, California