Journalists covering Schizophrenia

Pharma Voice, PharmaTimes, Live Science, MedPage Today and others - 71 journalists.

Tags: mental healthSchizophreniaCannabisanimal behavioranimals
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Meagan Parrish
Pharma Voice
Senior editor @industrydive. Pharma world follower.
Wisconsin, USA

2John Pinching
Next-gen biopharma company.
La Jolla, California

3Emily Cooke
Live Science
Health reporter.
London, United Kingdom

4Kristen Monaco
MedPage Today

5The Conversation
Science Alert
Science news. Official account.

6Judy George
MedPage Today
Medical reporter, writer.

7Rick Lange, MD, Texas Tech; Elizabeth Tracey
MedPage Today
Texas Tech University System, advancing higher education and health care.
Lubbock, Texas

8Nicoletta Lanese
Live Science
Science journalist.
New York, USA

9Oshan Jarow
Focus on consciousness, economics. Co-founder LE Possibility.
Brooklyn, New York

10Michael DePeau-Wilson
MedPage Today
Enterprise Reporter. AI in Healthcare focus. Journalism alum.
Not specified