Brooke Masters Financial Times US Financial Editor, FT. New York, USA
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Tiernan Ray ZDNet AI/ML reporter @ZDNet. Technology writer. New York City, New York
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Mashable Contributor Mashable Mashable is for superfans.
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Matt Ford Mashable Covers law, democracy, courts. Nevada to District of Columbia
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Dylan Haas Mashable lead shopping reporter @mashable. New York, New York
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Megan Lampinen Automotive World Helps understand future mobility. Global
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Nathan Eddy InformationWeek Surrey, England
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Timothy Green Motley Fool Investing guidance to make the world smarter, happier, richer.
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Mary E. Shacklett InformationWeek CEO, Transworld Data.
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Lance Whitney ZDNet Personal technology writer. Book author. Software trainer. New York State, United States
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