Tim Peterson Digiday Senior media editor at Digiday. Open DMs. Carlsbad, California
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AdExchanger AdExchanger News on digital advertising, marketing. Award-winning reporting, podcasts, events. New York City, New York
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Bryan Walsh Vox Editorial Director at Vox. Author of 'END TIMES'. New York
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Nicoletta Lanese Live Science Science journalist. New York, USA
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Ellen Ioanes Vox Weekends and world coverage. Vox.com contributor. United States
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anekola Digiday Digital media and marketing authority. New York
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Sam Haysom Mashable Deputy UK Editor at Mashable.
Novelist, screenwriter. London
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Chase DiBenedetto Mashable Social Good Reporter @mashable. New York, New York
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Amanda Yeo Mashable Writes for Mashable. Bylines at FANDOM, Kotaku, GizmodoAU. Sydney, Australia
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Anna Nicolaou Financial Times US media correspondent. Adjunct lecturer.
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