Irina Slav Covers all energy aspects. Prefers ugly facts. Bulgaria
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Alex Abad-Santos Vox World explained.
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Will Girling Automotive World Crypto investor and entrepreneur. United Kingdom
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Kennedy Ferruggia, Assistant Editor Pharmacy Times #pharmacy news, insights. CE provider. Cranbury, New Jersey
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Hrag Vartanian Hyperallergic Art Critic Futurist. In Diaspora
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Marina Bolotnikova Vox Editor at Vox. Reporter, skeptic. The diaspora
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Mack DeGeurin Popular Science Tech policy reporter. Hosts 'The Future is Ow' podcast. New York, New York
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Kendra Vaculin Bon Appetit Food writer BonAppetit. Brooklyn, New York
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David Watsky CNET Senior Writer, @CNET Kitchen & Home. On mute. Brooklyn, New York
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