Shane Snider InformationWeek November Project KC co-leader. Blood Donor. Gateway to The West
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Will Girling Automotive World Crypto investor and entrepreneur. United Kingdom
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City AM reporter City A.M. London's business newspaper. London, England
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Jessica Frank-Keyes City A.M. Political reporter @CityAM. London, England
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Chris Dorrell City A.M. Economics Reporter.
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Lars Mucklejohn City A.M. Banking reporter at CityAM. Contact via email. London
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Natasha Lomas TechCrunch Journalist. Climber-in-training. Owns cats. Barcelona and London
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Matt Reynolds Wired Senior science writer. Covers various topics.
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Rupert Hargreaves City A.M. News editor at City AM. London, England
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Megan Lampinen Automotive World Helps understand future mobility. Global
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