Journalists covering Underestimation

Financial Times, Healthcare Dive, Slate, Motley Fool and others - 87 journalists.

Tags: North KoreaWestUnderestimationactivismeconomy
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Eva Xiao
Financial Times
Data & writing @ft @ftdata.

2Colby Smith
Financial Times
US economics editor. Previously various.
Washington, DC

3Pilita Clark
Financial Times
Account closed. Follow @ft for news.
London / New York / Hong Kong

The power of praise - 13 days ago
4Emily Olsen
Healthcare Dive
Reporter at Healthcare Dive. Loyola, Medill alum.
Chicago, Illinois

5Shirin Ali
Politics enthusiast.

6George Budwell
Motley Fool
Healthcare and science writer.
Houston, TX

7Katie Palmer
Health tech reporter @statnews. JSK Stanford alum.

8Stefon Walters
Motley Fool
Daily podcast for stock investors.
Alexandria, Virginia

9Elliot Gulliver-Needham
City A.M.
Investment Reporter at City A.M.
London, England

10Matt Carter
Covers mortgage lending. Tips welcome.
Alameda, California