The Conversation Science Alert Science news. Official account. Australia
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Lucas Ropek Gizmodo Writer, blogger @gizmodo. Covers tech. Hollywood Hawaiian Hotel
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Michelle Starr Science Alert Senior Journalist at Science Alert.
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Oshan Jarow Vox Focus on consciousness, economics. Co-founder LE Possibility. Brooklyn, New York
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Mark Kaufman Mashable Co-Founder LingQ. Ex-hockey player. Father. West Vancouver, Canada
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Editor -- Evan Juxtapoz Magazine Editor of Juxtapoz Magazine. Guru of banal facts and figures about baseball. San Francisco, California
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Karmela Padavic-Callaghan New Scientist Science writer. Physics PhD.
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Rebecca Jennings Vox Sr correspondent at Vox. Covers internet, fame, money. WGAE member. New York, New York
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Alex Wilkins New Scientist Reporter New Scientist. London, England
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Lawrence Hodge Jalopnik Car culture site.
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