Carrie Marshall TechRadar NatGeo Certified. Kindergarten teacher. Runner. Cubs Fan. Suomane'k Prince Edward Island
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Steve Hanley Clean Technica Scientist/Author. Professor at U. Penn. University of Pennsylvania
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Kristy Puchko Mashable Film Editor at Mashable. Top Critic, movie enthusiast. New York City
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Andy Kalmowitz Jalopnik Writes about cars. Jersey Boy in New York City
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Rebecca Jennings Vox Sr correspondent at Vox. Covers internet, fame, money. WGAE member. New York, New York
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Meara Isenberg CNET Associate editor @CNET.
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Alex Welch Digital Trends General assignment reporter. Chicago, Illinois
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Sam Adams Slate Slate's home for culture. New York, New York
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Dabitch Adland Home of commercial collection. Adland
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Belen Edwards Mashable Entertainment reporter.
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