Journalists covering aesthetic

Juxtapoz Magazine, Hyperallergic, DesignBoom, The Scientist and others - 84 journalists.

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1Editor -- Evan
Juxtapoz Magazine
Editor of Juxtapoz Magazine. Guru of banal facts and figures about baseball.
San Francisco, California

2Lakshmi Rivera Amin
New York City

A View From the Easel - 20 days ago
A View From the Easel - 27 days ago
A View From the Easel - about 1 month ago
A View From the Easel - about 2 months ago
A View From the Easel - 2 months ago
A View From the Easel - 3 months ago
A View From the Easel - 3 months ago
A View From the Easel - 5 months ago
A View From the Easel - 6 months ago
3Matt Stromberg
Freelance arts writer.
Los Angeles

4lea zeitoun I designboom
Inter-disciplinary writer.

5Shelby Bradford, PhD
The Scientist
Assistant Editor @TheScientistLLC. Opinions my own.

6Scott Reyburn
The Art Newspaper
Art news source.
London, New York

7News Desk
Covers contemporary art.
New York, New York

8Sarah Rose Sharp
Artist. Writer. Ultra freelance.
Detroit, Michigan

9Martin Bailey
The Art Newspaper
Art news source.
London, New York

10Stephen Williams
Assistant Sports Information Director. Former SID.
Louisville, Kentucky