Journalists covering alain lucas

Juxtapoz Magazine, DesignBoom, VentureBeat, STAT News and others - 80 journalists.

Tags: Alain DelonFranceCollectingGeorges BraqueThéodore Géricault
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Editor -- Evan
Juxtapoz Magazine
Editor of Juxtapoz Magazine. Guru of banal facts and figures about baseball.
San Francisco, California

2myrto katsikopoulou I designboom
Digital agency. Founded in 2016.
Paris, France

3Rachel Kaser
Writer for @gamesbeat. Critiques Golden Girls for food.

4Adam Feuerstein
Reporter at STATnews. Dog lover. Polk Award winner.
Boston, Massachusetts

5Kabir Jhala
The Art Newspaper
Art market writer/editor.
London, England

6Wally Pyrah
City A.M.
HKJC - passion for sports, especially racing in HK. Views personal.
United Kingdom/Hong Kong

7City AM reporter
City A.M.
London's business newspaper.
London, England

8News Desk
Covers contemporary art.
New York, New York

9Francesca Aton
Cheerleader for time-based art.
New York City

10Caroline Jansen
Retail Dive
Covers retail news and trends. Works at Retail Dive, Industry Dive.
Washington, DC