John Pinching PharmaTimes Next-gen biopharma company. La Jolla, California
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Belen Edwards Mashable Entertainment reporter.
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John Yau Hyperallergic Art news and reviews. Brooklyn, New York
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Victoria L. Valentine Culture Type Visual Art From a Black Perspective. Explores art, history & culture.
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Lakshmi Rivera Amin Hyperallergic Artist. New York City
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Valentina Di Liscia Hyperallergic Writer and editor. Brooklyn, New York
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Hrag Vartanian Hyperallergic Art Critic Futurist. In Diaspora
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Renée Reizman Hyperallergic Artist & Writer. Adjunct. Los Angeles, California
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Anna Souter Hyperallergic Writer, researcher, curator. London, England
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News Desk Artforum Covers contemporary art. New York, New York
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