Journalists covering arrhythmia

MedPage Today, Science Alert, Pharmacy Times, MedTech Dive and others - 36 journalists.

Tags: colchicineablationarrhythmiaatrial arrhythmiapericarditis
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Nicole Lou
MedPage Today
Medical reporter @medpagetoday. Bird advocate.
undisclosed remote location

2Kristen Monaco
MedPage Today

3The Conversation
Science Alert
Science news. Official account.

4Rick Lange, MD, Texas Tech; Elizabeth Tracey
MedPage Today
Texas Tech University System, advancing higher education and health care.
Lubbock, Texas

5Ashley Gallagher, Associate Editor
Pharmacy Times
One of Cabra girls on GoggleboxIRL.
Dublin City, Ireland

6Susan Kelly
MedTech Dive
Leader, teacher, learner.
St. John's

7Nick Paul Taylor
MedTech Dive
Top 5 Mario Kart Player.

8Lizzy Lawrence
Medical devices reporter at STATnews. Loves news tips.

9Aparna Nathan, PhD
The Scientist
Single-cell genetics researcher. Teaches at Harvard. Writes for PopSci. Contributes to Drug Discovery News.
Boston, Massachusetts

10Jennifer Nalewicki
Live Science
Pagan spiritual support.