Nicole Lou MedPage Today Medical reporter @medpagetoday. Bird advocate. undisclosed remote location
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Kristen Monaco MedPage Today
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The Conversation Science Alert Science news. Official account. Australia
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Rick Lange, MD, Texas Tech; Elizabeth Tracey MedPage Today Texas Tech University System, advancing higher education and health care. Lubbock, Texas
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Ashley Gallagher, Associate Editor Pharmacy Times One of Cabra girls on GoggleboxIRL. Dublin City, Ireland
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Susan Kelly MedTech Dive Leader, teacher, learner. St. John's
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Nick Paul Taylor MedTech Dive Top 5 Mario Kart Player.
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Lizzy Lawrence STAT News Medical devices reporter at STATnews. Loves news tips.
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Aparna Nathan, PhD The Scientist Single-cell genetics researcher.
Teaches at Harvard.
Writes for PopSci.
Contributes to Drug Discovery News. Boston, Massachusetts
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Jennifer Nalewicki Live Science Pagan spiritual support.
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