Journalists covering audio/video deals

The Verge, Wired, Mashable, Digital Trends and others - 49 journalists.

Tags: hardware interfacesUniversal Audiofree pluginsthe Voltaudio interface
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Sheena Vasani
The Verge
Writer for @verge.
Los Angeles, California, United States

2Scott Gilbertson
Magazine about future. Newsletters available.
San Francisco, New York, London

3Bethany Allard
Shopping reporter @mashable. Formerly @bust_magazine.

4Aaron Mamiit
Digital Trends
Writes video game rumors to filings.

5Peter Adams
Mobile Marketer
Senior reporter, Marketing Dive.
New York

6Jennifer Allen
Digital Trends
Tech/games journalist.
Swansea, United Kingdom

7Antonio G. Di Benedetto
The Verge
Writes @verge
New Jersey, USA

8Ronan Shields
Digital media and marketing authority.
New York

9Alyssa Boyle
Associate Editor @AdExchanger. TV & video tech reporter.
Long Island, New York

10Christina Buff
Student, writer, observer. Hates capital letters.