Journalists covering automotive testing

Financial Times, Autocar, Jalopnik, The Drive and others - 62 journalists.

Tags: loungeporscheford explorervolkswagen andtrailblazer
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Brooke Masters
Financial Times
US Financial Editor, FT.
New York, USA

2Mark Tisshaw
Current editor at Autocar. Automotive journalist.
Twickenham, London

3Charlie Martin
Reporter at Autocar.

4Andy Kalmowitz
Writes about cars.
Jersey Boy in New York City

5Nico DeMattia
The Drive
Writer for The Drive.

6Stewart Burnett
Automotive World
Voice of the remarketing & used car sectors.

7Logan Carter
Automotive journalist at Jalopnik.
Los Angeles

8Megan Lampinen
Automotive World
Helps understand future mobility.

9Will Girling
Automotive World
Crypto investor and entrepreneur.
United Kingdom

10Steve Hanley
Clean Technica
Scientist/Author. Professor at U. Penn.
University of Pennsylvania