Journalists covering behavioral science

The Scientist, Popular Science, Ars Technica, InformationWeek and others - 115 journalists.

Tags: comedycommercial productionadvertisingmoonanimal behavior
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Hannah Thomasy, PhD
The Scientist
Freelance science writer. PhD.
Seattle & Toronto

2Andrew Paul
Popular Science
Now on Bluesky
America's Heartland

3The Conversation
Ars Technica
Original tech news. Expert advice. Analysis of tech trends.
NYC - Boston - Chicago - SF

4John Timmer
Ars Technica
Science Wrangler for Ars Technica.
The big city

5Samuel Greengard
Trustworthy tech info. Balances risks, opportunities.
New York, New York

6Katie Adams
MedCity News
Exeter, New Hampshire

7Meenakshi Prabhune, PhD
The Scientist
Editor in chief at The Scientist.

8Emmett Smith
Associate Producer at Mashable.

9ravail khan I designboom
Reusable coffee sleeve project.
San Antonio, Texas

10Danielle Gerhard, PhD
The Scientist
Assistant Editor @TheScientistLLC.
United Kingdom