Journalists covering biology

Science Alert, The Scientist, Popular Science, Nature and others - 92 journalists.

Tags: Samsung BiologicsKurma PartnersbiologicsBiosimilar Approval Pathways,FDA Biosimilar Designations,Biosimilar vs Biologics,Biosimilars Safety and Efficacy,Specialty Pharmacy Biosimilars Impact,Biosimilar Integration Best Practices,Biosimilar Patient Education,Provider Collaboration on Biosimilars,Biosimilar Staff Training,High-Cost Biosimilar Inventory Management,Just-in-Time Inventory for Biologics,Biosimilar Utilization Trends,Switching Between Biosimilars and Biologics,Automatic Biosimilar Substitutions,Interchangeability of Biosimilars,Collaborative Practice Agreements for Biosimilars,Biosimilar Substitution Regulations by State,Pharmacy Regulations for Biosimilar Switching,Impact of Biosimilars on Treatment Paradigms,Cost Effectiveness of Biosimilars,Pharmacy Provider Collaboration Strategies,Biosimilar Copay Assistance Programs,Patient Education on Copay Programs,Pharmacy Management of Biosimilar Stock,Operationalizing Biosimilars in Specialty Pharmacy,Navigating Biosimilar Approval Processes,Best Practices for Biosimilar Integration,Pharmacy and Provider Education on Biosimilars,Impact of Biosimilars on Specialty Pharmacy Care,Managing Biosimilar Inventory in Specialty Pharmaciesbiochemistry, collagen, keratin, microbiology, proteins, spiders, synthetic biology
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1The Conversation
Science Alert
Science news. Official account.

2Hannah Thomasy, PhD
The Scientist
Freelance science writer. PhD.
Seattle & Toronto

3Andrew Paul
Popular Science
Now on Bluesky
America's Heartland

4Shelby Bradford, PhD
The Scientist
Assistant Editor @TheScientistLLC. Opinions my own.

5<em>The Scientist</em> Staff
The Scientist
Exploring Life, Inspiring Innovation.

6Michelle Starr
Science Alert
Senior Journalist at Science Alert.

7Clare Watson
Science Alert
Science writer.
Wollongong, Dharawal country

8Katrina Krämer
Science journalist.
Cambridge, UK

9Meenakshi Prabhune, PhD
The Scientist
Editor in chief at The Scientist.

A Space Sequence Saga - 7 months ago
10Sara Novak
Discover Magazine
Science journalist. Writer DiscoverMag.
Sullivan's Island, South Carolina