Nina Raemont ZDNet Associate Editor at ZDNET.
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David Carnoy CNET Executive Editor at CNET. Author of novels. New York, New York
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Tabitha Britt Mashable SEO, Editor, Journalist. New York, NY
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Aaron Mamiit Digital Trends Writes video game rumors to filings.
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Chris Welch The Verge Editor, reviewer, photographer at Verge. Tips accepted. Boerum Hill, Brooklyn
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Peter Adams Mobile Marketer Senior reporter, Marketing Dive. New York
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BeauHD Slashdot Curator at Slashdot. Portland, Oregon
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Simon Cohen Digital Trends Audio/video editor @DigitalTrends. Terrible at Wordle. Toronto, Ontario
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Paul Hatton TechRadar No professional details.
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Jada Jones ZDNet Content Editor, DailyMirror. London, England
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