Journalists covering carbon-13

Next Web, Ars Technica, Science Alert, New Scientist and others - 110 journalists.

Tags: DellXPS laptoplaptop lineupNewsoneplus
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Siôn Geschwindt
Next Web
The Heart of Tech ❤️
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2Jennifer Ouellette
Ars Technica
Original tech news. Expert advice. Analysis of tech trends.
NYC - Boston - Chicago - SF

3The Conversation
Science Alert
Science news. Official account.

4Alex Wilkins
New Scientist
Reporter New Scientist.
London, England

5Liang Lei
Writes at Eco-Business. Sustainability, energy, biodiversity.

6Ioanna Lykiardopoulou
Next Web
Prof of Statistical Science. Works at UCL.
London, UK

7US Department of Energy
Clean Technica
Covers cleantech industry. Focus on EVs, renewables.

8Steve Hanley
Clean Technica
Scientist/Author. Professor at U. Penn.
University of Pennsylvania

9Karmela Padavic-Callaghan
New Scientist
Science writer. Physics PhD.

10Business Insider
Science Alert
Science news. Official account.