Journalists covering curation

The Art Newspaper, Digiday, Culture Type, AdExchanger and others - 68 journalists.

Tags: curationAppointmentsWhitney Museum of American ArtMuseums & Heritagead tech curation
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Catherine Hickley
The Art Newspaper
Museums heritage editor. Writer. Author.
Berlin, Germany

2Seb Joseph
Senior news editor at Digiday. Master planning.

3Victoria L. Valentine
Culture Type
Visual Art From a Black Perspective. Explores art, history & culture.

4AdExchanger Guest Columnist
News on digital advertising, marketing. Award-winning reporting, podcasts, events.
New York City, New York

5Christianna Silva
Senior reporter, digital culture.

6Anthony Vargas
Associate Editor at AdExchanger.

7Amanda Yeo
Writes for Mashable. Bylines at FANDOM, Kotaku, GizmodoAU.
Sydney, Australia

8David Clack
The Art Newspaper
Freelance videographer.
London, England

9Ben Luke
The Art Newspaper
Freelance broadcaster and writer on art. Podcast host and contributing editor, The Art Newspaper.
London, England

10Julia Michalska
The Art Newspaper
Deputy editor. Digital editor. Podcast producer.