Journalists covering dermatological conditions

Pharmacy Times, MedPage Today, Science Alert, New Scientist and others - 48 journalists.

Tags: MDMAecstasyPTSD therapyCOVID-19COVID
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Kennedy Ferruggia, Assistant Editor
Pharmacy Times
#pharmacy news, insights. CE provider.
Cranbury, New Jersey

2Ian Ingram
MedPage Today
Deputy Managing Editor. MedPage Today.
New York, New York

3Ashley Gallagher, Associate Editor
Pharmacy Times
One of Cabra girls on GoggleboxIRL.
Dublin City, Ireland

4John Gever
MedPage Today
MedPage Today factotum.
Pittsburgh, Pa.

5Clare Watson
Science Alert
Science writer.
Wollongong, Dharawal country

6Judy George
MedPage Today
Medical reporter, writer.

7Erin Hunter, Associate Editor
Pharmacy Times
Actor-writer. Nominated BBC Popcorn.
London, United Kingdom

8Sophie Putka
MedPage Today
Enterprise, investigative writer.
New York, USA

9Michael Marshall
New Scientist
Freelance science writer.
United Kingdom

10Ioanna Lykiardopoulou
Next Web
Prof of Statistical Science. Works at UCL.
London, UK