Journalists covering dv

MedPage Today, Utility Dive, Pharmacy Times, Automotive World and others - 78 journalists.

Tags: brand safety and suitability measurementdoubleverifyiasintegral ad sciencelisa utzschneider
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1N. Adam Brown MD
MedPage Today
Healthcare Strategist/Communicator.
Washington, D.C.

2Robert Walton
Utility Dive
Journalist. Reports on energy.
Trumansburg, New York

3Herman K. Trabish
Utility Dive
Business journalism in utility industry.
Washington, D.C.

4Ashley Gallagher, Associate Editor
Pharmacy Times
One of Cabra girls on GoggleboxIRL.
Dublin City, Ireland

5Megan Lampinen
Automotive World
Helps understand future mobility.

6Gordon Jackson
Glasgow, Scotland

7Collin Woodard
Road test editor.
Atlanta, Georgia

8Chris Kelly
Mobile Marketer
Words @washingtonpost etc.
Washington, D.C.

9Simon Ings
New Scientist
Science news source.

10Randy Dotinga
MedPage Today
Indie scribbler, advocate. Board member, @ahcj.
San Diego