Journalists covering dv

MedPage Today, Science Alert, Mobile Marketer, Automotive World and others - 76 journalists.

Tags: brand safety and suitability measurementdoubleverifyiasintegral ad sciencelisa utzschneider
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1MedPage Today Staff
MedPage Today
Explains healthcare complexities. Not endorsements.
New York, New York

2The Conversation
Science Alert
Science news. Official account.

3Rick Lange, MD, Texas Tech; Elizabeth Tracey
MedPage Today
Texas Tech University System, advancing higher education and health care.
Lubbock, Texas

4Peter Adams
Mobile Marketer
Senior reporter, Marketing Dive.
New York

5Will Girling
Automotive World
Crypto investor and entrepreneur.
United Kingdom

6Jonathan Touriño Jacobo
PV Tech
Reporter at Solarmedialtd. Covers the solar industry.

7Kristina Fiore
MedPage Today
Explains healthcare complexities. Not endorsements.
New York, New York

8Nick Paul Taylor
MedTech Dive
Top 5 Mario Kart Player.

Los Angeles, California

10Stewart Burnett
Automotive World
Voice of the remarketing & used car sectors.