Journalists covering galleries

The Art Newspaper, Hyperallergic, The Verge, Juxtapoz Magazine and others - 90 journalists.

Tags: Guts GalleryNEW NOWgroup exhibitionNorthern IrelandArt education
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Ben Luke
The Art Newspaper
Freelance broadcaster and writer on art. Podcast host and contributing editor, The Art Newspaper.
London, England

2David Clack
The Art Newspaper
Freelance videographer.
London, England

3Julia Michalska
The Art Newspaper
Deputy editor. Digital editor. Podcast producer.

4Tim Schneider
The Art Newspaper
Art market editor.
Near a keyboard

5Matt Stromberg
Freelance arts writer.
Los Angeles

6James Imam
The Art Newspaper
Journo in Milan. @FT / @thetimes, also @NYTimes, @guardian. Former @groundtruth migration. @stampaesterami nut.
Milano, Lombardia

7Valentina Di Liscia
Writer and editor.
Brooklyn, New York

8Barbara Krasnoff
The Verge
Reviews Editor at The Verge. Science Fiction Writer.

9Louis Jebb
The Art Newspaper
Writer. Editor. Filmmaker.

10Editor -- Evan
Juxtapoz Magazine
Editor of Juxtapoz Magazine. Guru of banal facts and figures about baseball.
San Francisco, California