Journalists covering history

Hyperallergic, Discover Magazine, City A.M., Popular Science and others - 85 journalists.

Tags: gulagshistorical traumaexploitationbeautylondon
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Sarah Rose Sharp
Artist. Writer. Ultra freelance.
Detroit, Michigan

2Sara Novak
Discover Magazine
Science journalist. Writer DiscoverMag.
Sullivan's Island, South Carolina

3Lakshmi Rivera Amin
New York City

A View From the Easel - 23 days ago
Required Reading - 4 months ago
Required Reading - 5 months ago
Required Reading - 7 months ago
4Chris Dorrell
City A.M.
Europhile since the 70s. Depression, anxiety advocate.
London, England

5Hrag Vartanian
Art Critic Futurist.
In Diaspora

Required Reading - 4 months ago
Required Reading - 7 months ago
6PopSci Staff
Popular Science
Science, tech, and DIY news.
New York

7Francesca Aton
Cheerleader for time-based art.
New York City

8Dan Kois
on the porch

9Meenakshi Prabhune, PhD
The Scientist
Editor in chief at The Scientist.

10Tim Schneider
The Art Newspaper
Art market editor.
Near a keyboard