Journalists covering hmv

Retail Gazette, Artnews, City A.M., Retail Dive and others - 33 journalists.

Tags: HMVOxford Streetretailstore reopeningbooks
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Eloise Hill
Retail Gazette
Journalism Student. University of Portsmouth.
London, England

2Aoife Morgan
Retail Gazette
Senior journalist at Retail Gazette.
London, England

3Georgia Wright
Retail Gazette
Senior journo at Retail Gazette.
London, England

4Karen K. Ho
Senior writer at ARTnews Covers business and art crime
New York City, New York Toronto, Ontario

5Jon Robinson
City A.M.
UK Editor at City AM.

6Laura McGuire
City A.M.
Consumer Reporter at The Sun.
London, England

7Daphne Howland
Retail Dive
Award-winning reporter. Film and theater critic.
Portland, Maine

8Maria Ward-Brennan
City A.M.
Senior Reporter at CityAM. Formerly at TheLawyerMag.
Berkshire, England

9Martin Bailey
The Art Newspaper
Art news source.
London, New York

10Tatiana Walk-Morris
Retail Dive
Journalist. Amplifying unheard voices.
Chicago, Illinois / Detroit, Michigan