Journalists covering hof

Financial Times, The Art Newspaper, Hyperallergic, Artforum and others - 77 journalists.

Tags: wim hofwimhofmike tiptonhealth medical pharma
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Jonathan Moules
Financial Times
FT writer, editor, podcaster. Public speaker.
London, United Kingdom

2Ben Luke
The Art Newspaper
Freelance broadcaster and writer on art. Podcast host and contributing editor, The Art Newspaper.
London, England

3David Clack
The Art Newspaper
Freelance videographer.
London, England

4Julia Michalska
The Art Newspaper
Deputy editor. Digital editor. Podcast producer.

5Hrag Vartanian
Art Critic Futurist.
In Diaspora

6Catherine Hickley
The Art Newspaper
Museums heritage editor. Writer. Author.
Berlin, Germany

7News Desk
Covers contemporary art.
New York, New York

8Lillian Dickerson
Real estate news source.

9Collin Woodard
Road test editor.
Atlanta, Georgia

10Frank Dalleres
City A.M.
Sports Editor at City A.M.