Journalists covering how to train your dragon

CNET, Digital Trends, Mashable, Gizmodo and others - 63 journalists.

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ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1David Lumb
Mobile Reporter @CNET. @cnetunion member.
Los Angeles

2Dan Girolamo
Digital Trends
Content guy @DigitalTrends and more.

3Kristy Puchko
Film Editor at Mashable. Top Critic, movie enthusiast.
New York City

4Jesse Lennox
Digital Trends
Cedar Rapids, IA

5Germain Lussier
Senior Reporter at Gizmodo. Pop culture art authority.
Los Angeles, California. New Yorker at heart

6Jamie Carter
Live Science
Science journalist. Lecturer.
Local Bubble, Milky Way

7Mark Stetson
Video producer. Bob Ross Challenge.
New York, New York

8James Woodford
New Scientist
Ocean Correspondent.
South Coast, New South Wales

9Gordon Jackson
Glasgow, Scotland

10Alex Welch
Digital Trends
General assignment reporter.
Chicago, Illinois