Journalists covering instruction

Popular Science, Pharmacy Times, The Scientist, ZDNet and others - 87 journalists.

Tags: Differentiated InstructionEarly LiteracyReading InstructionContent DisciplinesLiteracy
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Andrew Paul
Popular Science
Now on Bluesky
America's Heartland

2Ashley Gallagher, Associate Editor
Pharmacy Times
One of Cabra girls on GoggleboxIRL.
Dublin City, Ireland

3Shelby Bradford, PhD
The Scientist
Assistant Editor @TheScientistLLC. Opinions my own.

4Kennedy Ferruggia, Assistant Editor
Pharmacy Times
#pharmacy news, insights. CE provider.
Cranbury, New Jersey

5Sabrina Ortiz
Covers tech. Special interest in AI. Opinions personal.
New York, New York

6Liam Knox
Inside Higher Ed
Admissions reporter.

7Tara Haelle
MedPage Today
Sci/health journalist. Feminist. Educator. Photographer. Author.

8Jennifer Gershman, PharmD, CPh, PACS
Pharmacy Times
Pharmacist. Writes for Pharmacy Times, GoodRx.

9<em>The Scientist</em>
The Scientist
Exploring Life, Inspiring Innovation.

10Kathleen Kenny, PharmD, RPh
Pharmacy Times
Postdoc researcher. Reproductive justice advocate.
Toronto, Ontario