Journalists covering justin barton

City A.M., The Drive, Vox, Mashable and others - 87 journalists.

Tags: Alicia BartonVineyard Offshoreoffshore windAndy Florance, Rich Barton, Zillowart
ProfileContactsRecent Articles on Subject
1Jon Robinson
City A.M.
UK Editor at City AM.

2Bill Esdaile
City A.M.
Founded Square in the Air. Racing editor.

3Andrew P. Collins
The Drive
Executive Editor.

4Constance Grady
Culture writer @voxdotcom. Not Ugly Betty character.

5Tim Marcin
Culture reporter - Mashable. Writer elsewhere.
Brooklyn, New York

6Chris Kelly
Mobile Marketer
Words @washingtonpost etc.
Washington, D.C.

7Frank Dalleres
City A.M.
Sports Editor at City A.M.

8Ryan Erik King
Staff Writer Jalopnik. Co-host emeritus.
New York, New York

9News Desk
Covers contemporary art.
New York, New York

10Emily Hutto
MedPage Today
Video Producer, MedPageToday.
New York City